To address unmet needs in resource-limited settings, each clinical trial requires a customized strategic plan.

Tailor our services to meet your needs, from protocol design and site assessments to trial planning, implementation and management.

we are responsive

Thinking outside the box to meet your research needs


For complex research, a one-size-fits-all approach to implementing clinical trials is inefficient.

We go beyond formulaic approaches to research. Inexperienced sites require additional support. Inadequate infrastructure benefits from creative solutions. In areas of conflict, a Plan B, and sometimes a Plan C, is needed. Therefore, our approach is designed to:

  • Build site staff capacity by providing site-specific education and tailored training
  • Ensure consistent, high-quality study data, regardless of the setting
  • Consider the site’s resources when developing quality improvement strategies

Your research demands agile, exact solutions.​

Rapidly and efficiently implement solutions for the most challenging problems in your studies by leveraging our experience in some of the most complex situations around the world.

weeks after arrival

first patient first visit (FPFV) in an Ebola outbreak setting in a country with no previous clinical research experience and limited infrastructure

60 %
retention rate

in an oncology study challenged by poor patient enrollment and retention due to a lengthy follow-up period

81 %
retention rate

in a Chikungunya study conducted in countries in the Caribbean disrupted by political unrest and natural disasters